Mail2Cloud Usage to Product Mapping

The following matrix maps desired functionality to the Mail2Cloud product and a link to the relevant implementation guide. If the implementation guide link is not yet available please contact or open a ticket here.


Purpose Description Product Instruction
What you want to do   Which product is required Applicable features and links to setup instructions
Drag & Drop email into Box from Outlook Drag email from within to Box entirely within Outlook for Windows. Box folder tree visible within Outlook Outlook Client  Outlook How To
Move email into Box from any email client Drag email to a predefined email-sync folder using any device or email program. Message will automatically be moved to Box Platform Email Sync
Archive Address
Thin out Mailbox Reduce Mailbox storage size by up to 90% by moving attachments to Box Platform Email Sync
Reduce email Storage & Network use Automatically replace attachments sent and/or received with Box links. Significant storage & network usage reduction Platform Fusion
Automate email management (basic) Automatically file email content (message & attachments) using basic email information (ex. sender, recipient, date) Platform Email Sync
Archive Address
Automate email management (advanced) Automatically file email content (message & attachments) using advanced pattern matching across email content, including attachment content. Includes maps and advanced regular expression support Intelligence add-on Email Sync
Archive Address
Secure email attachments Automatically replace attachments (meet regulations ex. HIPAA, FINRA, etc.) with secure Box links based on email information like sender & recipient Platform Fusion
Track & Control attachment delivery Reveal attachment access per recipient, including date/time, filename, operating system and geographical location Platform Fusion
Use Box as an email archive Replace legacy email archival systems with Box Archive add-on Archiving Address
Add paperclip to emails with Box links Facilitate use of Box links in email. Add a "paperclip" to emails sent with Box links Platform Fusion
Control Box links sent within email Ensure that Box links sent through email conform to appropriate security settings (ex. expiration, authenticated access, internal access only, etc.) Platform Fusion
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