Setting up Archiving Address to store the flow between specific users and recipients

With Mail2Cloud Archiving Address you can archive the email flow of your entire company or selected users. The following is how to configure Mail2Cloud Archiving Address to archive the flow between selected users to specific recipients.

To make this work your email flow have to pass through mxHero. So please make sure that you have inbound and outbound enabled (check it out here), if not, you can follow this guide to set it up.


  1. Click on 'Advanced options' button.

  2. Toggle 'Inflow copy' to archive messages that mach the selected flow sending a copy to this address.

  3. Set the sender and the recipient (From to you want to archive.

  4. Also you can activate 'Both ways' this will apply the rule to both sides. This means that you will archive the emails sent from to to.


  5. Click on 'Create account' button.

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