Dynamic Variables

As stated in Variables Overview page, variables can be used to dynamically form the file path or name of files stored on the cloud.


  • Click on the auto-filing field
    This will determine where your saved documents are filed within your cloud storage.


  • upon clicking a section will open up below:


In the default scenario, your attachments will be saved in your cloud storage account (see note below) in the folder "Email Attachments" / "Email Address of the Recipient" / "Subject" of the email.

You can type in and drag folder names and dynamic variables. Dynamic variables can be accessed by first typing a brace '{' then selecting from the drop-down menu that appears. There are a number of default variables. These variables are filled in based on the content of the scan email, e.g. "recipient's email address" which can vary from one scan to the next. The system supports the ability to create custom variables, including accessing external databases to provide very powerful control of auto-filing.

Below demonstrates how you can alter the auto-filing path. Here we will save the scanned file in the folder hierarchy:

Scans / {recipients email address} / {dateStamp}

As such, a document scanned to bob@acme.com on May 20, 2020, at 12:30 pm would be saved to the folder:

Scans / bob@acme.com / 20200520_1230


Here is a list of the default variables:

  1. {Sender} (Sender-envelope- of the email)
  2. {Recipient} (Recipient-envelope- of the email)
  3. {Reply-To} (The "Reply-To" header on the email or "From" if "Reply-To" not present)
  4. {Inbox Address} (The email address of the inbox beign retrieved)
  5. {Peer Address} (The email address of the sender if email received by the inbox or the recipient if email sent from the inbox)
  6. {Subject} Subject line of the email
  7. {Subject (raw)} (Subject line of the email, without modifications
  8. {Received Date} (Received date, in long form -including day of the week-)
  9. {From Address} (The email address on the From field)
  10. {Received Date/yyMMdd} (Date the email was received in YYYYMMDD format)
  11. {Received Date/yyMMdd_hhmm} (Date the email was received in YYYYMMDD-HHMM format
  12. {Year Received} (Year the email was received)
  13. {Email Address} (The email address of the managed account being processed)
  14. {Folder Name} (Original folder location of the email)
  15. {Attachment Count} (Total number of attachments in a message)
  16. {Attachment Index} (Position of the attachment beign processed)
  17. {Message Body} (Text of the email message)
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