List your Archiving address rules

Before or after creating a new Archiving address rule you probably want to take a look to previously created rules.

This list of rules not only shows information about previously created rules but also has options for editing, deleting and enable / disable them.

Once at Mail2Cloud Dashboard and click on 'List all' button in Archiving address section.

This list will show your current rules settings and status

This button shows the status of the rule. It can be changed between enable and disable by clicking on if.

This is your Archiving Address. When you want to save an email as a document in your cloud, just FWD, CC, or BCC the message to this address.

This is where the messages will be stored, it shows your cloud storage provider and your account  name.

Here you can see the last folder of the cloud storage path where your documents will be stored.

By clicking on 'Edit ' button you can edit the rule settings without having to delete it and making a new one.

If you want to delete a rule just click 'Delete' button and click 'Ok' button at confirmation prompt.

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